Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants

Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slow down your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

I always thought I wasn’t a plant person. I remember seeing my grandmother and mom taking care of their plants and even having a relationship with them. For years I thought I was a city woman, but how wrong I was.

After my divorce, one of the most difficult times of my life, I decided I needed to renew my life. I leased a small studio in the city, from where I lived and worked, at that time I felt that my apartment needed some life besides me.

With that in mind, I bought some cute succulents and of course they died on my first try, but I tried again. It has been a long process, adapting to them and above all that they adapt to me. It’s the first time since I was a little girl I’ve taken care of something alive.

Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.
Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

Husbands usually survive without us and can’t be counted as an example of “taking care of something alive,” but that’s a theme for another post.

Now I can say that my plants have taught me more than I ever imagined. Today I am totally in love with my plants. We’ve been through a lot of adventures including putting them in a carry-on suitcase and carrying them on a plane.

When you’re going through a difficult situation, taking care of someone or something as helpless as an animal or plant helps you to find a little purpose in your life. Today I want to share with you my experience, what I have learned in the process of taking care of my succulents garden. This is not a post about gardening, or how to water them and not drown them. I want to explain what plants can teach you a lot about life, self-love, and how to live better.

Here are the 9 things I learned from caring for and having plants in my home:

Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

1. Celebrate the little things.

Sometimes I’d like to have a magnifying glass so I can see how life grows from a seed. Throughout the days I discover how my succulents grow from something that is almost invisible, a plant so small so delicate that it is almost a miracle. This has taught me to appreciate the small details and look at them daily, watch them grow, nurture them, and give them all my love.

2. Slow down your life.

When the world keeps spinning and it’s going so fast, you don’t realize that life is passing and we didn’t see it. I love those minutes of the day when I sit on the floor and watch the wonder of life. I can say that life is magical and that tomorrow maybe a new plant will mysteriously appear on the ground to remind me that life changes little by little , without haste and that I must go slowly so as not to forget the wonders of life.

Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

I have been inspired by my plants to create my self-love Blooming Coloring Book. I imagined a gigantic garden full of life and love. Self love has a lot in common with gardening and taking care of little plants. It is taking care of your own soul and body.


3. Growing up takes time.

I know one of my great flaws is impatience, but my plants have taught me to have it. My succulents have taught me to wait patiently for the leaves to heal, for the buds to grow while surprising me with little things. We all know that growing hurts, some of us had knees ached as we grew up, but over time we forget that growing up not only hurts, but takes time, that we can’t build the Roman Empire in a day, that everything good takes a while. I have learned to be patient with my plants and to see a slow evolution towards something beautiful and lasting.

Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

4. Find your light and follow it.

I don’t know if you knew, but plants chase light. If we set up a plant that doesn’t have enough light, she’ll try to find it. I don’t know why we try to continue in the dark, stick with the same bad patterns that don’t get us anywhere, that make us sick and weaken us. I have learned to follow the light, to feel it, to stay in places where I feel good, to express how I feel about the right people and definitely to turn away from the people with whom my energy does not resonate or I do not feel at peace. I’m in the process of flowering with them.

Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

5. Cut the dead leaves.

From time to time you have to remove the soil and you have to remove all those dried or rotten leaves from the succulents. I believe that in life we must do the same, get rid of things that no longer serve a purpose, those that do not make us happy. We should also turn away from those people who do not bring us peace, those who do not make us feel good about ourselves, those who do not accept us or to whom we do not accept. I prefer real relationships, from the heart, with good people.

Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.
Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.
Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.
Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

6. Emptiness and space are necessary to grow.

Succulents are plants that require space, they don’t like to feel trapped between the earth. I usually think they want to dance. They love space and they love that their roots are almost floating on earth. That allows them to keep growing, maybe that’s one of the most important lessons I’ve learned. We can’t be stiff, we can’t be fixed anywhere. Even though we have roots, we must flow and we must let life breathe. I like the idea of having space and being able to dance in my life without feeling drowned or trapped in a place.

I like the idea of ​​open spaces, embracing the void, because this represents the wonderful possibility of waking up tomorrow and leaving to another place, meeting new people, seeing new things, and visiting new gardens. That’s why I like the idea of ​​emptiness and trying to make room for the universe to send new and wonderful things into my life.

Having Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

7. Your neighbor’s garden isn’t as nice as yours.

In this materialistic and cold society, we have all envied the neighbor’s garden at some point in our lives, but although I know that there are people who have beautiful gardens, there is no garden like mine. No plant is going to be as beautiful as mine because I have put my love and heart into those plants and every day I sit and enjoy them. I have learned not to look at my neighbor’s garden to feel envy but to admire the colors and learn from them.  

I have learned that comparing myself weakens me, turns me into a sad person and with negative energy. Let’s stop comparing ourselves with other people because there is no garden like yours and nobody is like you. A person with your talents or those feelings you have in your heart.

8. You can grow and expand from something very small.

Recently I ventured to propagate new plants from the fallen leaves of my favorite succulents. It has been an adventure to see how from a leaf begin to emerge roots, even plants so tiny that sometimes I need a magnifying glass to verify that they exist. I’m excited about the future, thinking that all those little leaves that fell are going to give me more beautiful plants in the future.

Propagating Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

Life is simply magical when you focus your energy on the things worthwhile, the things that are valuable to you. Create the garden you want to create, add the colors you love, create the life you dream, no matter if it is a small dream or it is a big dream, the magic exists and is in you. Create the garden you want to have and where you can bloom.

Propagating Succulents at Home. Life Lessons You can Learn From Your Plants | Valuable Life lessons you can learn from having and growing plants at home. This is about learning to slowdown your life and learn from those little ones. This is not about gardening, this is about life and taking care of yourself and others.

9. When you take care of life, everything blooms.

I used to have my plants, but I didn’t give them as much love as I do now. When you take care of what you have and value the little things you understand that everything is going to settle down sooner or later.

Only you can take care of your garden and your life, and have both as you want.

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